Convoi Exceptionnel Ltd +44 (0) 2380 45 30 45
Convoi Exceptionnel Ltd     +44 (0) 2380 45 30 45 

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Abnormal Load Escort Car Services

UK Abnormal Load Bans By Area
UK Abnormal Load BAN TIMES And Restricti[...]
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France Movement Bans 2025
FRANCE Public Holidays and Abnormal Load[...]
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We have decades of experience in providing pilot car services

UK wide and throughout Europe.


For specific law on French escort cars (voitures pilotes) please see: French Escort Cars


Our UK & European Abnormal Load escort cars / pilot cars follow the guidelines / lighting and marking regulations for Abnormal Load self escorting vehicles. They are marked up to the ACPO / Highways England Code of Practice (Self-Escorting of Abnormal Loads and Abnormal Vehicles) fully equipped and are driven by highly experienced escorters.


In addition, we have a network of pilot car drivers across the UK and Europe with vast local knowledge to assist your abnormal load transport.


Our Private Escort Vehicles (PEVS) are insured specifically to cover the escorting of abnormal loads on public highways as well as holding public liability insurance. See below for our escort car equipment specification.


For a no obligation escort car quote please either email us with your requirements, give us a call on +44 23 8045 3045 or fill in the quote request form on the right.

Convoi Exceptionnel's appointed escort drivers liaise with multiple police forces en route and thanks to decades of experience, work quickly and professionally to troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Our Europe-wide network of abnormal load escort vehicles carry two way radios with UK and European frequencies as well as highway safety equipment.

In each European country, you may need to negotiate with police forces in different local regions as well as at national level. Having built up contacts over decades we can do this efficiently and effectively. Convoi Exceptionnel can organise the escorts for the whole of your route, as well as negotiating with and scheduling Police Escorts. We then liaise with them throughout the journey.

Our Abnormal Load Escort Car minimum Specification:

*  Descriptive Signs indicating “Escort Vehicle” - “Abnormal Load”
* Rear and side of vehicle marked with hi-visibility chevron markings to agreed HA Standards
* Mobile phone with fully hands-free device fitted (BS Guide DD 235) * 2 Mobile Radio devices (one for transport driver if he has no suitable radio) * Traffic Cones with reflective sleeve * 4 off lighting units for traffic cones  * Reflective breakdown triangles * Spare load marker signs (4) * Powder or CO2 Fire Extinguisher to BS EN3 (with valid certificate)
* An in-date First Aid Kit (1-10 employee – CE Approved) * Camera  * Vehicle tracking system * Full Police and Highway Authority contact manuals * Hi-visibility jacket and vest with reflective sashes,
hard hat for driver * Maps covering areas being used including Truckers Bridge Height Map.


Pilots on the ground
The key thing for private escorts is experience. A wide load is different from a long load. While lighter loads can move quite quickly, heavy haulage can be very slow indeed. When it comes to recruitment, Convoi always favours people with knowledge. We employ ex-police traffic officers where possible. Indeed the same is true of our notification process to police and local authorities. Experience and knowledge is vital.
In the UK, it was once the duty of the police to escort large loads. They handed over responsibility at each of more than 40 police force boundaries, with each area having its own rules. Consequently, moving such cumbersome cargo could be a drawn-out and expensive process with plenty of standing time waiting for changeovers. Private escorts have helped a lot with reducing this waiting time as it means that transports can run straight through county boundaries on clear roads, with the escort driver ensuring each police force is advised 30 minutes prior to crossing a county boundary. It also provides greater flexibility for Convoi to organise the movement of loads at optimum times to minimise traffic congestion and maximise load safety.

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Need a quote?

Call us now on +44 (0)2380 453045, email,

or use our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Order Forms:

Apply to Notify your UK movement
WEB - Convoi GB Application form for per[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [74.9 KB]
Apply for a European permit
WEB - Convoi EU Application form for per[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [74.1 KB]
Request a Quote!
WEB - Quote Request form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [52.5 KB]

Convoi Exceptionnel Ltd

Director Generals House

15 Rockstone Place


SO15 2EP

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