Convoi Exceptionnel Ltd +44 (0) 2380 45 30 45
Convoi Exceptionnel Ltd     +44 (0) 2380 45 30 45 

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Public Holiday Bans France 2025
FRANCE Public Holidays and Abnormal Load[...]
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If you have any questions or would like any further information on the following, please don't hesitate to contact us


Pay attention to Green Zones / LEZ charges and other regulations in the city you are transporting to or from across Europe:


Germany: Winter Tyre Markings

Since 1 January 2018, there has been a legal obligation to label new winter tyres with the alpine symbol  (3 peaked mountain and snowflake).
Winter tyres that are only marked with the M+S (MS or M.S.) symbol may no longer be used in winter road conditions from 1 October 2024. Winter tyres that bear both the M+S symbol and the Alpine symbol are still permitted.


France:  Blind Spot Stickers There is a decree regarding having to put warning stickers on your vehicles to warn other road users to be mindful that there are blind spots.

The size and style of stickers are shown, and information on where they should be displayed:


France: Crit'Air stickers 2022. Visit this site to find out which areas in France require a Crit'Air sticker and to order them online: The official website for the Crit'Air sticker (air quality certificate) - Ministry of Ecological Transition | Order your Crit'Air sticker on the official website (

So far the areas where Crit'Air stickers are mandatory are: Rouen, Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Toulouse, Saint Etienne, Reims, Nice - however, the list is growing, so please check the Ministry website.


France: Toulouse Lez started in September 2021 

From 1 September 2021, the minimum requirement for diesel lorries and vans to enter the Toulouse low emission zone was Euro 4 (Crit’Air sticker 4).

This has now been tightened in 2022 (to Crit’Air sticker 3) which means the minimum requirements will be:

  • Euro 5 for diesel lorries.
  • Euro 4 for diesel vans.

From 2024, the minimum requirement will be the Crit’Air sticker 2:

  • Euro 6 for diesel lorries.
  • Euro 5 for diesel vans.



Germany: Axle Pressure Gauges


Paragraph 7070) transports:  From January 2016 in Germany, if the vehicle has air or hydropneumatic suspension, it is compulsory for abnormal load transports to have their vehicles equipped with a gauge that measures axle pressure.


There are exceptions to this rule, which are cranes and trailers with fixed rigs (towable engineering plant).


* Vehicles with a valid §70 from before 20.03.2015, have until 30.06.2021 to have this gauge fitted. Until then they can drive with their valid §70.

* If a §70 was ordered before 20.03.2015 but obtained after that date, you have 6 years from the start date of the §70 to install the pressure gauge. 

* If a §70 was ordered between 20.03.2015 & 01.01.2016, you have 3 years from the start date to install the gauge.


Belgium: New Rules for Abnormal Load Warning Signs


The rules regarding warning signs for abnormal loads have changed in Belgium. They officially changed in 2013, but there was a transition period until 31.12.2015.


From 01.01.2016 roadside inspections have been carried out. If the correct signs are not used, fines can be up to €300


Summary of requirements:

* LONG LOADS: Loads with over 1 meter of rear overhang must have a square sign with sides of 42cm. Alternatively, a rectangular sign with minimum measurements of 28cm x 56cm or 14cm x 80cm. All must have diagonal red and white retro-reflective stripes at 45-60 degrees and stripe widths of 7-10cm.

This sign must be positioned on the extremity of the overhang.


* WIDE LOADS: Signs must be square with sides of 42cm or a rectangular sign with minimum measurements of 28cm x 56cm or 14cm x 80cm. All these options must have diagonal red and white retro-reflective stripes at 45-60 degrees and stripe widths of 7-10cm.

    Only abnormal loads in Belgium up to 3.50m wide are allowed to use the square signs.

    Minimum one white light at the front and one red light at the back. These lights must be on at all times during the transport.

    The bottom of the signs must be at a minimum height of 40cm / maximum height of 200cm as measured from the ground.



French signs with TPESC approval, Type B can be used.

If you have another, similar sign which meets the French standard, you will have to have it checked by the 'FOD Mobiliteit en Vervoer'. 

German signs, Parkwarntafeln Form A and/or LAFO-Warntaflen Form A of DIN30710 standard can be used.


Belgium: Toll Roads


From 01.04.2016 tolls will be collected on the main roads in Belgium.

All trucks over 3.5T must be equipped with a functioning toll collecting device. This also applies to trucks in Belgium which never use these roads. If you drive a 3.5T+ truck without such a device fitted you will be fined. There are various suppliers for these toll services, however at the time of writing (March 2016) there is only one toll-box manufacturer approved by the Belgian authorities:


Belgium: New Itineraries for Network 90 & Network 120 permits


There is a new version of itineraries from 20.01.2016. The latest versions must be downloaded from this website: and added to the permit. Before starting on any transport, ensure that you have the correct version with you.


France: Warning Sign Checks


Police in France are very strictly checking abnormal loads for the correct warning signs and lights. If the signs do not adhere to the rules or the lights suffer failure or malfunction, the haulier will be fined and prevented from continuing on their journey until everything is in order. For Convoi Exceptionnel signs, see: Signs & Marker Boards.


France: French escort Car Driver Certification FIP or FCP  


French law now requires escort car drivers to be qualified to work with abnormal load transports in France. Arrêté of 2 May 2011, NOR: DEVT1109077A 

Convoi Exceptionnel Ltd only supplies escort cars in France with drivers who conform to this standard. See French Escort Cars

Need a quote?

Call us now on +44 (0)2380 453045, email,

or use our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Order Forms:

Apply to Notify your UK movement
WEB - Convoi GB Application form for per[...]
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Apply for a European permit
WEB - Convoi EU Application form for per[...]
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Request a Quote!
WEB - Quote Request form.pdf
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15 Rockstone Place


SO15 2EP

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